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Steam-Codemasters, 1559[^]30184-DIGITAL Clive Barkers Jericho

A spectacular creative and unflinching realisation of a Clive Barker nightmare for next-gen console
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Steam-Codemasters, 1559[^]30184-DIGITAL Clive Barkers Jericho
A spectacular creative and unflinching realisation of a Clive Barker nightmare for next-gen console platforms and PC Clive Barkerandrsquo;s Jericho is a new supernatural horror concept with story by the master mythmaker novelist and filmmaker Clive Barker.Jericho deals with the mysterious reappearance of a lost city in a remote desert. When a form of evil that goes right back to the dawn of days resurfaces from there a Special Forces squad trained in both conventional warfare and the arcane arts

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